Avoid Misdiagnosis: Trust a Professional

Avoid Misdiagnosis: Trust a Professional

By Kimberly Hudson

KimberlySometimes, I can get on a soapbox when it comes to the importance of credentialed professionals evaluating students for learning challenges.

Why? Because I have seen too many misdiagnosed students who were then robbed of valuable learning time.

I have attended more than 130 hours of specialized training, above and beyond my master’s degree, to be qualified to diagnose students with dyslexia.

The current DSM V Manual states only a physician, psychologist or speech-language pathologist is qualified to diagnose for dyslexia.

Even these professionals must seek additional training to properly make this diagnosis. Unfortunately, this training is not included in current college training.

Over the years, I have seen numerous students, from early elementary to college, whose parents sought professionals to give them insight on academic struggles their child faced.

I had a sixth grader who was labeled as “mildly mentally handicapped.”

What a travesty? This student had an IQ of 125.

He had been placed in special education classes and did not belong there. His confidence was deeply shaken.

He was dyslexic but very bright. He simply needed the appropriate tools to achieve his academic potential.

After completing The Curious Edge Way Intervention model, this young man is making A’s and B’s, is playing sports and believes he has a future.

I had another student who had an above average IQ but still presented with a gap in reading skills. His mother was told he was bright enough to catch up and suggested some visual cues to eliminate letter reversals.

This young man had a significant language processing disorder, and his above average IQ did not negate the fact that he could not read grade level material.

A second grader is not simply “going to catch up” without being given the tools to close the gap.

Do you wonder why your bright child struggles in school?  Don’t let this school year be one frustration after another.

Learning should be curiously fun! It shouldn’t be drudgery.

Never doubt your gut instinct. Sometimes a few tools are all your child needs to complete homework independently and make the grades you know he/she is capable of making.

Now is the time to act.  Call The Curious Edge today.


Info:  (859) 899-3343 (EDGE) or http://thecuriousedge.com.