Safe Sleep in Cold Weather

Temperatures are regularly dropping below freezing, especially at night. It’s tempting to bundle your baby up against the cold, but it’s not the safest idea.

Overdressing and overheating your baby increases the risk of SIDS (sudden infant death syndrome.) Overheating can destabilize a baby’s breathing pattern and inhibit his ability to resume breathing normally. Here are some guidelines to follow for safe sleep, even in cold weather:

  • Keep your thermostat between 68 and 72 degrees. This is a “safe zone” for how warm your child’s room should be.
  • Don’t overdress your baby. The general rule is to dress baby in the same amount of layers as yourself, plus one.
  • Don’t use blankets. Blankets pose a serious risk for infants. Opt for a sleep sack instead which can’t be kicked off or tangled over baby’s face.
  • Avoid using space heaters. Space heaters are a great way to save on energy bills, but they also are a fire hazard. Never leave one running overnight in a baby’s room.
  • Put your baby to sleep on her back. Babies retain more body heat when they sleep face down.

Use these simple tips to keep your family safe and warm this winter.