Letting My Kids Make My Resolutions

I’ve made my fair share of New Year’s Resolutions over the years.

Most have been pretty common – making healthier food choices, saving money and volunteering more. (My success rates have varied.)

But this year I decided instead of self-reflection as I made my resolutions for 2019, I was going to get some input from my kids.

I asked my 3 year-old and 8-year-old to tell me some things that I could do differently or try to be better at in the next year.

Their answers were hilarious and humbling.

From the 3-year-old:

  • “Play trains.”
  • “Play blocks.”
  • “Play cars.”
  • “Go outside.”

The theme here seemed to be simple: play more.

From my 8-year-old:

  • “Always use a nice voice.”
  • “Go out for ice cream more.”
  • “Stay up late together.”
  • “Ride bikes.”

Her resolutions centered around quality time together (although she did sneak in some things that would benefit her as well.)

This experiment was helpful to identify areas where my kids needed more from me.

I still intend to make commitments to myself about my diet and spending habits, but these resolutions from my kids are headed to the top of the list.

I challenge you to ask your kids what changes they think you should make in the coming year.
The answers will be valuable.