The Arc’s ‘Wings for All’ at Bluegrass Airport

Program Lets People With Disabilities Rehearse Air Travel Experience

For the first time in Lexington, The Arc of Kentucky is hosting a “Wings for All” event, which helps prepare children and others with developmental disabilities for air travel.

Wings for All, which follows a similar event last month at Louisville International Airport, is scheduled for Saturday, Nov. 3 at 1 p.m. at Bluegrass Airport.

The Wings for All program provides an opportunity for people to rehearse airport protocol and alleviate the stress associated with flight. Bright lights, bustling crowds and loud sounds can prove difficult for people with developmental disabilities.

The Arc of the U.S., which has more than 650 chapters, has held 120 Wings for All events since 2014 at 55 different airports, partnering with 13 airlines and helping 13,000 individuals.

Volunteers from The Arc of Kentucky educate airport personnel about how to interact with people with disabilities. Then, as part of the Wings for All event, TSA workers and other professionals review safety protocol, bathroom procedures and more with participants.

Participants check their luggage, pass through airport security, then board the plane where they sit in the seats, feel the blankets and pillows and even visit the cockpit.

The event in Louisville received an overwhelming positive response. Kids felt safer and families were reassured that flight could be a feasible option for them.

Sherri Brothers, Executive Director of The Arc of Kentucky, trained Louisville’s airport personnel and is excited to bring Wings for All to Lexington.

“The Arc of Kentucky is committed to individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities,” she said, “and is enthusiastic about the collaboration with the Autism Society of the Bluegrass, Blue Grass Airport, Delta Air Lines and the Arc of Kentucky. We are thankful to all our volunteers who help make this event possible.”

All children receive a backpack filled with a T-shirt, stress toy in the shape of an airplane, a set of wings and a picture book for the family to read together.

Employment Solutions is the sponsor of the Lexington event, which already has been filled. A waiting list is available. Another event is being scheduled for Louisville in the spring.

For information about the event and the waiting list, contact Sherri Brothers at (502) 517-6511 or