How Can I Keep Vacation Mom Alive?

We are back in the grind of the school year and my three kids and I are still working on our daily routine.

Our family has two working parents, so structure is necessary. Alarm clocks are set and a giant bulletin board holds a monthly calendar.

Keeping order during the school year isn’t exactly easy, nor does it make my kids like me very much. I realize how much I miss Vacation Mom. My kids love Vacation Mom.

Vacation Mom doesn’t care if you get dressed at all that day. Vacation Mom serves PB&J for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Vacation Mom takes naps with the kids. But Real-Life Mom? She has schedules to keep, chores to finish and meals to plan.

I know that I can’t be Vacation Mom year-round.

Being late to school has consequences. Naps are nice, but not as easy to take with a To-Do list growing longer each minute. While I cannot be Vacation Mom 365 days a year, I am trying to bring pieces of her back to life.

I can say “no” to over-scheduling, so we have more free time.

I can say “yes” when my kids want wear pajamas all day on Saturdays.

I can cut myself some slack on meal planning and order a pizza.

We can’t live every day like we are on vacation. But I think we all will be less stressed if every so often, we just put on our flip-flops and order the pizza.