Parenting Questions

Each month we consult with experts – our readers! – about parenting and ask a question on our Facebook page. February’s Question was:


Does fear of “mom-shaming” ever keep you from posting on the Internet?


-“Yes, in the past when I wasn’t able to breastfeed my baby I was very scared of posting any pictures with my baby drinking from his bottle or to ask questions about formula all together.” –Andrea Hope Armstrong

-“No, mom-shaming has never stopped me. I will not let social media and those who use it define who I am and how I raise my children.” – Jennifer McKenzie Febish

-t“Yes. I always hesitate to post photos that maybe show a bit of a cluttered house… It’s heartbreaking for people to assume that just because your home is cluttered sometimes, or that there are dishes in the sink sometimes, that you don’t love and take care of your children.” – Kristin Warner



March’s Feedback Question:

 What celebrity mom would you most like to have a playdate with?


Answer our Facebook question and you could be in the magazine!