Parenting Questions

Each month we consult with experts – our readers! – about parenting and ask a question on our Facebook page. October’s Question was:

How old is too old to trick or treat?

—- “When teens come to my house trick or treating I always give them candy. They’re having fun while staying out of trouble. That behavior should be rewarded.” – Lori Dixon P’Simer.

—-“13. They can have fun dressing up, handing out (candy) and interacting with the trick or treaters that come to the door. I also always offer up hosting a party for the friends.” – Michelle Castro

—-“I believe that a kid should be allowed to have this one day to dress up and collect treats. No age limit – just have manners and be safe.”  – Ute Keathley

—-“I say let them be kids as long as they want, but they had all better say ‘Trick or Treat!’ and ‘Thank you!’” – Kandace Bright

—-“18?” Let kids be kids. If they dress up and are respectful, I fail to see a problem.” – Tonya Merriam.


November Feedback Question:

 What Christmas tradition are you looking forward to sharing with your kids?

Answer our Facebook question and you could be in the magazine!