Pack Your Bags: What to Bring to the Hospital

HospitalBagImageThe day you go into labor may be hectic, but you can make things a bit easier by packing your hospital bag in advance.

Mom, Dad, and even siblings will need something during your hospital stay after childbirth, so check out our handy packing lists.

Mom’s Bag:

Yoga ball or yoga mat, for trying different comfort positions during labor.

Chapstick. Labored breathing can dry out your lips.

Comfortable PJ’s that you don’t mind getting ruined. Lots of fluid will be leaking after childbirth, so expect to end up with stains on your clothing. If you have stitches, your doctor may be checking those often so a nightgown is more convenient than pants.

Nursing tops, if you are planning to breastfeed.

Extra pillow and blanket from home.

Toiletries- hairbrush, extra hair ties, toothbrush and dry shampoo.

Your own bath towels (the hospital will provide towels, but a soft, plush towel from

home may feel better for that first shower.)

Going home postpartum clothes. You will probably still fit in your early maternity

pants, so don’t pack the skinny jeans for this homecoming. Stretchy pants will be

more comfortable anyway.

Small empty bag for things you will be bringing home from the hospital.

Dad’s Bag:

Change of comfy clothes.

Extra pillow and blanket from home.

Cash for vending machines, or favorite snacks and drinks.

Phone chargers and list of who to call with the big news once baby is born.

Empty file folder. You’ll be given plenty of paperwork and handouts from the hospital staff.

Sibling Bag:

“Big Sister” or “Big Brother” T-shirt.

Entertainment. Your other child may get bored with the baby, so keep something on

hand to keep them occupied if they need a distraction.

Snacks. You never know if the vending machine will have child-friendly choices.

Book about siblings- check out this great list by Barnes & Noble for suggestions.

Things to Take from the Hospital:

Chux pads. These are handy for keeping your sheets clean while your body heals

from childbirth. Plus any extras make great disposable changing pads for the baby!

Maxi pads. You may have a brand you prefer, but keep these extras for emergencies.

Sitz bath. Many women find this warm bath to be soothing for the perineal area


Peri Bottle. You won’t want to wipe with toilet paper after urinating at first, so the peri bottles will keep you clean while you heal.

Diapers/wipes/rash cream samples.

Baby hat and blanket (they make great keepsakes even if you don’t need them for

practical use).