Rally on Labor Day To Improve Birth

Did you have a positive birth experience?

I don’t mean pain-free, or one that resulted in a perfectly healthy baby.

I mean an experience where you felt respected and treated with dignity, one where you made your decisions without pressure and were presented with all options and information.

If so, I am happy to hear that. If not, you are not alone.

Sadly, too many women experience negative births in which they feel pressured and/or ignored.

This is why Baby Bump is joining in the Improving Birth Rally on Labor Day on Monday, Sept. 1, 10 a.m.-1 p.m. at the 5/3 Bank Pavilion in downtown Lexington.

The event is the perfect opportunity to gather information, meet local resources and other parents, and learn about how you can be an advocate for your pregnancy and childbirth needs.

We will be there to hand out our publications, offer cool giveaways, and to listen to the concerns and questions of local moms about pregnancy and childbirth.

Improving Birth has a Facebook campaign using the hashtag #breakthesilence where women are speaking out about how they were treated during childbirth.

If you don’t yet understand the reason to rally for this cause, reading some of those stories should convince you.

Last year, nearly 400 people attended the Rally to Improve Birth.

The term “evidence-based care” has lit a spark in the maternity community.

I hope Lexington women use Improving Birth, Baby Bump Lexington, and the many other maternity resources in town to educate themselves and act as their own representatives.

The memory of childbirth lasts a lifetime.

Let’s do everything we can to ensure that it is positive.

Info: www.improvingbirth.org.

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