8 Signs That Should Never Be Ignored

Children get hurt. They also get sick. These things are a part of childhood.

In nearly all cases a child will be just fine despite all of the mishaps and infections that may happen to him.

There are some signs that a child may show that should never be ignored.

1) Choking is an event that usually gets everyone’s attention.
A child who is really in trouble will be unable to cry, talk, cough or even breathe.

She may get a panicked look on the face.

2) Gasping for air also gets attention.
If a child’s eyes, lips or tongue is swollen, especially if hives are noted elsewhere on the body, this could be the sign of a severe allergic reaction (anaphylaxis).

If not, it could be a sign of infection-induced upper airway swelling (croup, epiglottitis, etc.).

3) Grunting, panting or whistling when breathing in or out can be ominous signs.
Children having an asthma attack, a lower respiratory tract infection (pneumonia, bronchiolitis, etc.), or a leaking of air from the lung into the chest cavity (pneumothorax) may also make gasping sounds.

Children may breathe rapidly and grunt.

The skin around the ribs may suck in with their efforts to breathe.

Blueness around the mouth (or of the head and trunk) can be a sign of decreased oxygen getting into the bloodstream from the air.

4) Cuts that gape open should be evaluated, especially if bleeding from them does not stop after holding pressure on them for 10 minutes. They may need stitching or gluing.

5) Fevers of 100.4 or greater rectally in an infant less than 3 months of age should never be ignored.
Neither should unexplained fever in those less than 2 years old that does not go away after 24 hours.

6) Fevers of 104 degrees or more that do not go down within two hours after anti-fever medication can also be concerning.
So are fevers that last four or more days in a row or that go away and come back after 24 hours.

7) Stiff neck, when accompanied by headache, light sensitivity and fever, should never be ignored.

8) Purple or red rashes that do not go away briefly when pressed on (“blanches”), especially with the above symptoms, require immediate medical attention.

There are many other signs not to ignore in children.

Keep in mind that not all have to do with physical illness or injury.