Crib Bumpers: Are They Safe?

By Bud Spoerl

With hopes of increasing the safety of sleeping babies, the city of Chicago recently passed a ban on the sale of crib bumper pads.

If signed into law, the ban will go into effect in 2012. And Maryland is the first state to propose a ban on bumper sales that would be effective in 2013.

SIDS awareness organizations have long tried to educate parents about crib safety and bumper pads have been an issue.

The American Academy of Pediatrics recently issued new safety guidelines recommending against the use of crib bumpers.

The Juvenile Products Manufacturers Association, however, maintains that the benefits of bumpers outweigh the drawbacks,.

Parents will be tempted to add blankets, pillows, stuffed animals, etc., that pose a greater risk to the child.

Bumper pads are one part of a crib bedding ensemble, and are sold as part of a complete packaged set.

Some bedding companies have started to package bedding sets without including a bumper pad.

As an alternative, several companies have developed “breathable” bumpers. These bumpers are made of lightweight mesh fabric, providing protection from crib slats and promoting airflow should a child roll up against it.

The Consumer Product Safety Commission is taking an expanded look into the bumper safety issue.

The issue of crib bumper safety will continue to be debated at all levels. Parents will have to make this decision to the best of their abilities.


Bud Spoerl is owner of Baby’s Room & Kids Too. Info: 276-4955 or