3 Study Tips for a Good School Year

By Larry Boss

How can parents help their kids get off on the right foot?  Try these three simple tips.

1. Create a Vison for Your Child
If a student understands WHY doing their best counts, they’re more likely to give it their best.

A typical third-grader isn’t concerned with how their penmanship will affect their future career as a deep-sea explorer.  A typical third-grader can’t see Friday’s test until Thursday night at bedtime, or maybe on the bus ride to school Friday morning.

Parents can help by setting shorter, kid friendly, goals that give kids a taste of success along the way.

The younger the child, the more short-term the goal should be.

Remember, responses to motivation will vary child to child, so set a goal that is obtainable but pushes them to grow beyond where they currently are.

2. Organization Loves a Plan  
Help your child set up a system for staying organized, then keep them be accountable to it.

Many students receive lower grades simply because they don’t turn completed work in on time because of backpack and locker chaos.

Utilize the infinite campus web site to track what assignments have been turned in.

3. Own Your Child’s Education
No one cares about a child’s education the way a parent does, so take initiative with their teachers.

Schedule a conference at the first sign of struggles. Arrange for extra help well before your child feels lost and discouraged.

Foster learning in your home. Enrich your children’s education by encouraging their individual interests. Expose them to other learning opportunities in the community.

Larry Boss is the owner of Tutoring Club at 3061 Fieldstone Way, Lexington. Tutoring Club offers individualized instruction to help students succeed in school.
Info: 224-1020 or visit www.tutoringclub.com